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Templated folder generation

Quickly builds folder and file structures based on your own folder and file templates.

These automation recipes allow users to create a consistent folder structure for their repeatable work activities and store all files and folders related to a item in a preconfigured location within SharePoint Online.

These automations are called by the following triggers

  1. When an item is created in a board.

  2. When the status of an item in a board changes to something.

When either of changes have been triggered, the app will copy the files in a SharePoint site from a source folder to a new folder under a target folder.

The automations work with the Secure Embed • Microsoft 365 item view feature to display the newly created folder and files in a view for the item.

If the automation has been executed successfully, the Secure Embed • Microsoft 365 item view will automatically be configured to point at the newly created folder and cannot be configured manually.

How the automations works

Here’s a walkthrough video to show how the automations feature work:

This automation runs in a non-destructive manner.

If the automation has already been run, it will create a new folder with the name Item Name (Item ID) Number (where Number is a number starting at 1) and configure the Secure Embed item view to point to the new folder. The original folder named Item Name (Item ID) will remain on the SharePoint site.

Use cases

We see these automations as very useful if you work in a regulated environment with standard operating procedures and for each task you’ll need all the required template documents.

  • Project management documents

  • Case management documents

  • HR processes

    • Recruitment documents

  • Real estate sales documents

  • Processes & certifications

    • APQC

    • ISO 9001

    • SOC2

    • Investors in People

    • ITIL

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