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Secure Embed • Microsoft 365

Secure Embed • Microsoft 365 allows you to securely embed a file or folder from Microsoft 365, OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online within

Once added, you can perform a number of operations on the file or files within the displayed folder such as:

  • View/preview most file types

  • Edit files in the native Microsoft 365 apps, such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel

    • Files edited in the native apps will automatically save back to Microsoft 365

  • Open files in browser, or download

  • View Microsoft 365 files as PDF

Secure Embed • Microsoft 365 is available with the following feature locations:

  • Board views

  • Item views

  • Dashboard widgets

  • Workdoc widgets

  • Object views

    • These are views created in the main left hand navigation in

How it works

Here’s a walkthrough video to show the Secure Embed board view feature:

Using the Secure Embed in item views, dashboards and workdocs is very similar and more videos for those will be published soon.

When to use

  • When the file must remain completely private

  • When you wish to share a folder and it’s content

  • When there are strict access controls on the file or folder

When not to use

  • When you simply want to share a link with anyone

  • When the file can be displayed publicly

Advanced usage

In item views

This feature can import files storage in columns of type file into the configured Microsoft 365 folder.

If the item has columns of type file, and within those columns, there are files stored within assets (but not as OneDrive, Box or Google Drive files), the “Import assets from file columns to this folder” button will be displayed at the bottom of the item view:

Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 12.55.03.png

Press the button to import all your assets into the Microsoft 365 folder.

Once the import has completed, you may delete the files from as required.

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