How do I pay for an app?
This article explains how to purchase an app from the marketplace.
All our apps support billing through
All subscriptions renew automatically each month (or each year, if annual subscription) unless you cancel the subscription.
First ensure the app is installed in your account. Then, complete the following steps:
Click on the Installed Apps button located in the top right corner of the apps marketplace. Click on the relevant app:

You will be redirected to the app's main page. Click on the Billing tab found in the menu at the top left of your screen:

Once in the Billing tab, click on Upgrade plan:

All our apps pricing is tethered to the number of seats of that you have. Once you select a plan, click on Continue to checkout located at the bottom right corner of your screen:

Tip: Choose the yearly billing option to save up to 20% of the monthly billing price
Pay by major credit card or PayPal and click Complete your purchase at the bottom right corner of your screen:

How do I access an app's billing history?
You can see the history of payments for a specific app by navigating to the app's Billing tab (illustrated below) and click on the “•••” three dot menu located next to Use App in the top right corner of your screen: