Export files in columns to SharePoint folder for linked item
This is a series of automations which all the user to export monday.com hosted files in Files columns to a SharePoint folder configured in a linked item.
Example recipe sentences:

The automations can be thought of as either push or pull:
Push the files from a specific column in the current item to the SharePoint folder configured for a linked item
Pull files in all columns in items linked to the SharePoint folder configured for the current item
Automation recipes
Push to linked item
clicked, export{files}
to{file path}
in the SharePoint folder configured for{linked items}
. If the file already exists{do this}
changes to{something}
, export{files}
to{file path}
in the SharePoint folder configured for{linked items}
. If the file already exists{do this}
changes, export{files}
to{file path}
in the SharePoint folder configured for{linked items}
. If the file already exists{do this}
Pull from linked items
clicked, copy all assets from{connected items}
to{file path}
in the SharePoint folder configured for this item. If the file already exists{do this}
changes to{something}
, copy all assets from{connected items}
to{file path}
in the SharePoint folder configured for this item. If the file already exists{do this}
Templated folder path creation
The folder structure specified in {file path}
is created within the configured SharePoint folder(s).
Examples of folder paths:
– create the files within the folder that is configured for the item/Client uploads/{board.name}/{Item’s name}/
– creates the folders if missing based on the name of the board and item, and then uploads the files.
If the folder strusture already exists, the files will be added into the exisiting folders in SharePoint.
If the file already exists
If a file exists in the SharePoint folder with the same name as the file from the monday.com, there are 2 options:
Rename the new file
Replace the original file
Please note that in monday.com, files in the same Files column can have the same name (but different asset IDs), so when you use the replace option when two files share the same name, one file will overwrite the other (with the original file in the SharePoint version history).
How the automations work
Here’s a walkthrough video to show how the automations work: