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Export board data to Excel

Every time period, export board data to an Excel spreadsheet stored in SharePoint.

Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 15.46.29.png

These automations are called by the following triggers

  • Every time period

  • When button clicked

When either of these triggers is called, a spreadsheet is created or updated in SharePoint, in the designated location.

The spreadsheet will consist of 2 worksheets

  • Board Items

  • Subitems – with columns for Parent ID and Parent Name

Each worksheet also contains columns for Item ID and Group Name.

If the target spreadsheet is already present, a new spreadsheet will replace the existing file in SharePoint. Previous versions of the file will be available to view in the file history in Microsoft 365.

If the target spreadsheet is open in Excel, then the automation will gracefully fail with a Notification message explaining the error.

Notifications can be accessed from the top menu:

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 08.46.32.png


How the automation works

Here’s a walkthrough video to show how the automation works:

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