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Import board data from Excel

The following functionality is coming soon, and details may change

Every time period, import from an Excel file hosted on a SharePoint site.

How the automation works

Here’s a walkthrough video to show how the automation works:


Requirements for the spreadsheet file:

  • The file will be located on a SharePoint site (OneDrive is not currently supported).

  • The file will be in XSLX format.

  • There will be only one worksheet in the file.

  • The first row in the worksheet will contain the column titles

  • All columns in the Excel file will be named after the title of the column in

    • Columns are matched when the lower case version of the column in Excel matches the lower case version of the column name in

    • Columns are matched by the title of the column in rather than the ID of the column

  • Each column in the Excel file will have a unique name.

  • The item name will be in a column named “Name”.

Supported column types

The following column types are currently supported


The following column types are not currently supported (see Column types reference):

  • People

  • Dropdown

  • Timeline

  • Time_tracking

  • Checkbox

  • Tags

  • File

  • Location

  • Rating

  • Button

  • Formula

  • Vote

  • Hour

  • Week

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